Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for dance studio websites

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for dance studio websites

Is it even worth the work to get to the top of Google?

Mago Lauritzen

By Mago Lauritzen

How high does your website come up in a Google search? 

When was the last time you checked?

There is a LOT of bad information out there on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for local businesses like dance studios. 

The web designers want you to believe that content is key, that you need a blog, and that you absolutely need to be posting to social media like crazy, and sending out monthly eNewsletters.

That’s frustrating advice because all of that takes so much time. (How many of you have more time laying around?)

Not only that, but SEO doesn’t work right away. It takes time, sometimes years to build up, and if you want to grow your studio aggressively RIGHT NOW it’s not going to help with that.


SEO is not what it was 5 years ago. Now most of it is based on geotargetting, first listings on the SERPs are part of the Google maps 3-pack, and they don’t point to your website they point to your Google My Business page anyway.


“That’s why my staff and I spend so much time testing new strategies, compiling data, and making decisions based on what the data actually says and not what our ‘gut’ is telling us.”

If that sounded like a bunch of techno-gibberish don’t worry, it was. But, it’s still important to understand. I made a quick video laying it out for you:
If you don’t pay attention to this kind of thing your studio runs the risk of being left behind. It is our job as studio owners to stay up to date on what’s actually working in our markets today. And, the bad news is that this is changing right now faster than it ever has in history before.
That’s why my staff and I spend so much time testing new strategies, compiling data, and making decisions based on what the data actually says and not what our “gut” is telling us.
Want some help figuring all this out without having to dive through all the techo-babble?
Mago Lauritzen
What if we could create simple checklists for you that you could follow to create a constant stream of new students to your studio, happy to pay you higher tuition rates for what you offer?
What if you had a personal coach that could work with you one-on-one to help you when you run in to the problems your particular studio will face?
What if we could show you exactly how to dial in your messaging so that you could stand out from the crowd and finally build the organized studio you’ve dreamed about?
Let’s get on the phone and chat. I’ll walk you through some simple numbers, and we’ll see if it makes sense to work with us or not. 
What do you have to lose besides frustration, confusion, anxiety, and a lack of clarity?
Hope to hear from you soon.


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